Advanced Electrolysis


Short wave diathermy electrolysis uses a very fine needle to heat and cauterise red veins and skin blemishes. This is very safe and the most effective way to remove small and large blemishes.

For a few days after a red vein and milia treatment, the area may continue to show signs of redness. Skin tags and moles may appear darker before falling off within 7-10 days. There is minimal risk of scarring, however some of the deeper moles may leave a faint discolouration once the mole has been removed. This can last for up to a few weeks.

Very large moles and skin tags will have a deep root and a second treatment after 1 month may be necessary to remove it completely.

The treated area needs to be kept clean and dry for up to 1 week. Therefore, activities such as swimming, going to the gym, and using steam rooms and saunas are not recommended.

This method is very safe. The risk of infection is minimal as there is no open skin or wound.

    • There are 3 main methods to remove moles, skin tags and red veins:
      1. They can be removed medically. However, unless they are deemed high risk, doctors can be unwilling to remove them as this is considered cosmetic and may leave a scar behind.
      2. The plasmapen procedure is painless and can remove superficial blemishes quickly.
      3. Advanced Electrolysis is the treatment we have found to be most effective and reliable.

Pricing Structure

Skin Disorder

5 min

15 min

30 min

Skin Tags & Moles








Cherry Haemangioma




Sebhorroeic Warts








10 plus Lesions – price upon Consultation